Monday, September 2, 2013

Vocabulary Word "Alumni"

A male graduate or former student of a school, college, or university.

Alumnus and alumna both come from Latin and preserve Latin plurals. Alumnus is a masculine noun whose plural is alumni, and alumna is a feminine noun whose plural is alumnae. Coeducational institutions usually use alumni for graduates of both sexes. But those who object to masculine forms in such cases may prefer the phrase alumni and alumnae or the form alumnae/i, which is the choice of many women's colleges that have begun to admit men.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


“People are offended by the truth.”
“Fighting, not getting along, and not loving one another offends the Holy Spirit.”
“Where there is unity there is blessings.”

---Joyce Meyer

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Maricón: Literally, "faggot." Used in Spanish with intimates; you call someone a maricón when you know them. Alternatively, "maricón" can be someone who despises the community.Mariconieando

Mariconería: Literally, "faggotry." It's a way of carrying oneself. Also a reunion of "maricones" who act very feminine.